The Studio

So, from the very beginning I’ve always had my own studio. However, there’s always been some sort of issue with them. First up the Madison studio. I loved this spot. It was an actual production studio with had plenty of space, however, it didn’t have air conditioning. I got by, for a time, with portable air conditioners, but I just never got around to putting in a proper system. Next it was the Walnut Grove studio. This spot was bland… style or flavor whatsoever— A total creativity killer. Lastly, there was the Brookhaven studio. Now this place was great, but it was small. Of course, I made it work and it was my most successful studio to date. I loved going there and my clients had nothing but great things to say.

In 2020, my family decided to buy a new house. While driving around thinking about what all needed to be done to get the old house ready, not to mention how much it would cost, it hit me…. I could use the old house as my new studio. Now, I just needed to sell this idea to my wife. Luckily, it was an easy sell. She thought it was a brilliant idea and was on board instantly. So in October of 2020, the Trezevant studio was officially opened.

The Trezevant studio (TRZ) has 6 primary shooting areas: The Speaker Room, The Lounge, The Noire Suite, The Den, The Outside Oasis, and the Red Room (coming soon). TRZ was built in 1939 and has a great vintage charm. And in that vein, the studio boasts a chill, retro vibe, with a touch modern incorporated. 

The Speaker/HiFi Room

The center piece of the room is the speaker wall. It consists of 14 speakers connected to a Marantz receiver. There is also a functional record player and half of my vinyl collection is also located here. 

The Lounge

The Lounge is the original living room of the house. The walls are a unique blueish green color which really creates the mood. I’ve tried to paint this room white, but I get push back from my clients every time I mention it.

The Noire Suite

I love shooting natural light photos in this room. It gets sunlight most of the day. This was originally going to be my editing suite, but it I decided it would be waste of valuable light.

The Den

The Den is a mix of natural light and 70s nostalgia. This wasn’t initially going to be a shooting location, but several clients have wanted to shoot here, so that pushed me to set it up & make it happen.

The Outdoor Oasis

I can’t take credit for this one, this was my wife’s idea. She stressed taking advantage of the outdoor area since it wasn’t being used. It took a minute for a vision to hit me, but when it did, I immediately ran with it & got started on it.